The Original Maxwell Street Station

Diversey and Damen

This place is MAD bogus!! The workers wore shirts that actually said something like 'Maxwell St. Bus Stop' or some bullshit....nothing was exactly right. Its not even open 24 hours. When I ordered my pork chop sandwich as always, I watched the guy pull one out of the onions and start rubbing it on the grill in the grease. That's just not right. He rubbed it back and forth a bunch of times then poured some more grease and did it again. I was about to yell out 'stop!'. As I stood in line, there was a thug in a wheelchair and a dirty bum eating off the counter next to me. There were lil kids trying to sell me a pumpkin too outside the liquor store next door. Right across the street are the foul Lathrop Homes Projects.

They didn't have the cup of cheese available but they did have a sign that said 'cheese fries'. So I ordered cheese fries -- and he gave me my fries that came with the sandwich in addition. They need to work out a system for this shit -- I do not fucking want 2 orders of fries.

On the other hand the pork chop they gave me was massive, much bigger then usual, I hardly even finished it after the cheese fries.

North Side Maxwells are BOGUS as a motherfucker!!!!

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